Michael and I were students together at TC. He spent time at my home and was dear friend to me and my husband. He was my confidante. We conversed regulaly and met at conferences after graduation. I will miss him terribly.
Starr Cline.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I was shocked and saddened to learn of Dr. Pyryt's untimely passing last week. I met Dr. Pyryt over seven years ago when I first became involved with Alberta's Gifted and Talented Education Council. As a beginning teacher of gifted students, I embraced the opportunity to pick Dr. Pyryt's brain regarding many aspects of gifted education. Following numerous like conversations with Drs. Pyryt and Mendaglio, I decided to pursue a Master's in Gifted Education through the University of Calgary. Dr. Pyryt was instrumental in helping me create a highly individualized program to meet my interests and needs. In fact, this semester Dr. Pyryt would have been supervising my practicum in gifted education. I regret that he will not see me graduate this spring. By continuing my studies at the doctoral level in the future, I hope to make him proud. Thank you, Dr. Pyryt. You will be missed.
Tonje M. Caine
Tonje M. Caine
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Special Person
On rare occasions, in my life, I've come in contact with individuals that I feel have some aspect of their being that is quite special.
Michael Pyryt was just such a person.
My family and I would like to express our sincere condolences to all who knew and cherished Michael.
Andrew Wheeler
Chelsea, QC
Michael Pyryt was just such a person.
My family and I would like to express our sincere condolences to all who knew and cherished Michael.
Andrew Wheeler
Chelsea, QC
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I am profoundly shocked with the news and can hardly believe that Michael has passed away. I met him several times in conferences and had a good relationship with him.
This events remember us how weak and unpredictable are our lives. I am sure he was ready for the travel. We will miss him as a scientist and as a nice person.
The best we can do now is pray for him to the Lord.
Best to all
Javier Tourón
This events remember us how weak and unpredictable are our lives. I am sure he was ready for the travel. We will miss him as a scientist and as a nice person.
The best we can do now is pray for him to the Lord.
Best to all
Javier Tourón
Monday, January 21, 2008

I never had the opportunity to meet Professor Pyryt unfortunately, as I was a participant in a course he was scheduled to teach - Perth COGE January 2008 - when he suddenly passed away. However, I'm sure that I speak for our entire class in expressing our devastation at hearing the news. We had been looking forward to meeting Professor Pyryt as his commitment to Gifted Education and his wealth of experience and research was legendary. I feel it is important that I express our deepest sadness at the loss of this wonderful man, and I wish to extend our sympathies to both his family and the students who benefitted from his contribution to education. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are impacted by this loss. In God's memory.
Leanne Owen
COGE Perth Class of 2008
Leanne Owen
COGE Perth Class of 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008

I first received the shocking news about Michael via the Global Caring Division of NAGC. That alone is so appropriate. To read from so many others about how he treated so many people as though it was simply a delight to see them and spend time with them - what a gift he had and he gave! I met Michael at the first or second Wallace Symposium in Iowa City, IA. I felt alone and out of place but wanted to learn about this thing called giftedness. He was already a dear, long-time friend of Susan Rostan, and the three of us hung around a lot those three days. Ever since then he has been so open, so real, so connected, every time I see him anywhere. When I would first see Michael -- no matter where it was -- I always felt at home, safe, loved, accepted. His devotion to his wife and daughter, his interesting personal story, were all an important part of him. I am so sad. There was a poignancy to Michael that made me not want to miss a minute of what he had to tell, what he thought, and what his hopes and dreams were. Most recently, he helped me with some statistics related to personality and global caring issues, and he shared dinner with my husband and me in Helsinki after the 2006 ECHA conference. I am so sorry we didn't take more time during this past NAGC conference, but I thought I had at least 40 more years to be friends with Michael.
Here is a good photo of happy times. I will miss you always, Michael, and always be so glad to have known you.
Deborah Ruf
Tara Pyryt said...
Tara Pyryt said...
I will miss him more than words can ever say. He was truly my Best Friend and the GREATEST Father that anyone could ever ask for.
Tara Pyryt
January 16, 2008 11:06 PM
I will miss him more than words can ever say. He was truly my Best Friend and the GREATEST Father that anyone could ever ask for.
Tara Pyryt
January 16, 2008 11:06 PM
Michael was a wonderful person and professional who cared deeply about the development of gifted learners. He was a friend to me for many years, providing professional opportunities to work with his center in Calgary and to collaborate on curriculum development work with teachers in the area. We often chatted at NAGC and AERA about the field and where it was headed. He had an intellectual power that allowed him to broach new ideas for research and suggest methodological approaches to pursue them. For example, he was the first person to discuss the fact that no models in gifted education have been rigorously tested and to suggest what it would take to make that happen. He was always honest in his assessment of work, especially the methodological aspects. His critiques at AERA were a pleasure to behold! We shared a common love and respect for Julian Stanley and his efforts to systematize talent identification and development across this country and internationally. I remember how Michael was helpful in the details of Julian’s service at NAGC Louisville and his lovely and thoughtful tribute. I thought his contributions (with Sal) to the self concept and social development literature in gifted education were quite unique and insightful and likely to continue to strengthen over time. I will always remember his love for Belvedere vodka, for data, and for attending Mass in each new city he visited. You will be missed, my friend—ave atque vale.
Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I, too, was saddened to hear of the death of Michael Pyryt.
As a teacher, I hoped throughout my years in the G/T classroom, that I made an impact. A short anecdote of one time that Michael had a personal impact on me.
I've attended several NAGC conferences, but only presented at one of them, a few years ago. There I was, a novice, and Michael Pyryt was in the room next door, scheduled to present at the same time as I was. I wondered if anyone would come to my presentation! As I stood there musing about my dilemma a few minutes before the presentation time, Michael strode into my room, wished me well, and assured me that I would have an audience. What a lovely gesture - I have not forgotten.
As a teacher, I hoped throughout my years in the G/T classroom, that I made an impact. A short anecdote of one time that Michael had a personal impact on me.
I've attended several NAGC conferences, but only presented at one of them, a few years ago. There I was, a novice, and Michael Pyryt was in the room next door, scheduled to present at the same time as I was. I wondered if anyone would come to my presentation! As I stood there musing about my dilemma a few minutes before the presentation time, Michael strode into my room, wished me well, and assured me that I would have an audience. What a lovely gesture - I have not forgotten.
My response to Ernesto is Mike was a modest person. But I believe his efforts to improve the rigor of research as well as answer important questions in the field have made an impact.
David Dai
Michael had many, many individual admirers who each could recount a story, yet no one seems to have witnessed a general session with Pyryt at center stage. Maybe his touch of greatness in the personal domain was largely left one-on-one.
Ernesto M. Bernal
David Dai
Michael had many, many individual admirers who each could recount a story, yet no one seems to have witnessed a general session with Pyryt at center stage. Maybe his touch of greatness in the personal domain was largely left one-on-one.
Ernesto M. Bernal
Dr. Michael Pyryt made a huge difference in the field of gifted education in Canada - and beyond. He heightened awareness, increased understandings, and encouraged inquiry. He was a kind man, and a true scholar among those who work in learning communities. His presence will be missed.
Joanne Foster
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
Joanne Foster
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
Michael was a colleague for whom I have always had the greatest respect, and with whom I enjoyed many conversations. I have been having difficulty finding the words to express my dismay and sadness. I, like you, will miss him.
Michael's passing does remind me, though, how important it is for us to value each other while we are living.
With great sadness,
Jim Webb
Michael's passing does remind me, though, how important it is for us to value each other while we are living.
With great sadness,
Jim Webb
...are there any unfinished research projects that some of his colleagues could finish and publish for him? I think he would appreciate that. I know that this happened with Hilda Taba’s research and it was a great blessing to all.
I did not know Michael, but I always appreciated his comments the Sig and his insights. I am deeply saddened to know that I will never meet the person behind these insightful comments.
Renate Otterbach
I did not know Michael, but I always appreciated his comments the Sig and his insights. I am deeply saddened to know that I will never meet the person behind these insightful comments.
Renate Otterbach
Among the things in the Calgary Herald obituary was that Michael often closed presentations with a picture of one of his dogs, and this:
"My goal in life is to be a person as good as my dog already thinks I am."
I hope he was aware just how many of his friends and colleagues believed he was, as the passage continued, “that and more”.
Laurie Croft
"My goal in life is to be a person as good as my dog already thinks I am."
I hope he was aware just how many of his friends and colleagues believed he was, as the passage continued, “that and more”.
Laurie Croft
What a wonderful legacy Michael Pyryt leaves - to be remembered so fondly by so many - myself included. He was a man who contributed thoughtfully to our field and who everyone liked. If anyone writes a short obituary for him would you send me a copy. Belle Wallace says she will print it in Gifted Education International. Please send to joan@joanfreeman.com
Joan Freeman
Joan Freeman
I met Michael at a NAGC conference in LA in the early 1990s. As fellow Canadians we immediately became friends, as was the case with his alter ego Sal Mendaglio. It was always a pleasure to see him at conferences. We did teach together once in Sydney, where he had his accident this year. I admired his scholarly ethics, as well as his mastery of research methodology and statistics. The last time we saw each other was at this year's NAGC in Minneapolis. We were seated together (with Sal of course) at a late restaurant dinner offered by Joel McIntosh. How strange to realize that this would be our last chat.My wife was also shocked. She met him last summer in England at the World conference. We were seated close together at the Shakespeare play. She found him a perfect gentleman who helped her with her imperfect English. When I looked at Mike's obituary, I discovered that he and her shared the same birthday: June 26. What a coincidence! I will miss our friendly talks at conferences. I intend to propose a Scotchand Vodka party to his memory at the next conference, in my case the Wallace Symposium in May. Who will join me?
Françoys Gagné
Françoys Gagné
New Jersey Memorial
On behalf of Michael’s sister, Dorothy, his wife Leta, his daughter Tara and her husband Christopher and me, I wish to thank all of you who have sent messages of condolence. I provide the following information in response to queries regarding memorial service and memorial fund for Michael. There are two memorial services planned by Michael’s family, one in Calgary and one in New Jersey.
In Calgary, it will be held January 19 at
St. Pius X Parish
2424 24 Avenue N.W.
Calgary AB
In New Jersey the memorial service is /tentatively/ scheduled for February 2 at
St Anne’s Church
15-05 St. Anne St.
Fairlawn, New Jersey
Dorothy has asked that you contact her (djpyr@optonline.net<mailto:djpyr@optonline.net>) to confirm the time and date of the memorial service in New Jersey.
Sal Mendaglio
In Calgary, it will be held January 19 at
St. Pius X Parish
2424 24 Avenue N.W.
Calgary AB
In New Jersey the memorial service is /tentatively/ scheduled for February 2 at
St Anne’s Church
15-05 St. Anne St.
Fairlawn, New Jersey
Dorothy has asked that you contact her (djpyr@optonline.net<mailto:djpyr@optonline.net>) to confirm the time and date of the memorial service in New Jersey.
Sal Mendaglio
Dr. Michael Christopher Pyryt
June 26, 1953 - January 15, 2008
Michael passed away Tuesday morning at the Foothills
Hospital upon his return from a trip to Australia. His parents,
Edward Joseph and Frances Mary Ellen (nee Loughren) Pyryt
predeceased him. He is survived by his wife, Leta Gonzales-
Pyryt, his daughter Tara and her husband Christopher Gales,
his granddaughter Brooke, and his sister Dorothy, as well as
many family members in New Jersey. Born on June 26, 1953
in Passaic, New Jersey, Michael obtained a B.A. in Psychology in 1975 and an Ed.M. in
Gifted Education in 1976 from The Johns Hopkins University. He completed his
doctorate in Educational Psychology in 1984 at the University of Kansas. His subsequent
distinguished professional academic career focused on gifted education. He was a tenured
assistant professor at the West Virginia College of Graduate Studies, a tenured assistant
professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Calgary, and
from 1995 an associate professor in the Division of Applied Psychology, Faculty of
Education, at the University of Calgary. In 2000 he became the Director of the Centre for
Gifted Education at the University and was responsible for expanding the profile of gifted
education and promoting the education of gifted children locally, provincially, nationally
and internationally. He published extensively in his field, held numerous professional
memberships, and was involved in innumerable research projects. A devout Catholic,
Michael was a former runner and in addition a life-long fan of the Johns Hopkins Blue
Jays lacrosse team, the University of Kansas Jayhawks and Notre Dame Fighting Irish
football teams. Michael loved the many dogs and cats he had over the years and his
signature slide at the end of presentations pictured his dog, Fufu, and read "My goal in
life is to be a person as good as my dog already thinks I am." He was that and more, and
he will be dearly missed by family, friends, colleagues and students. Relatives and friends
are invited to Prayers and Tributes that will be held at 7:00 p.m. today, January 18, at St.
Pius X Catholic Church (2424 - 24 Avenue N.W., Calgary). Funeral Mass will be
celebrated at St. Pius X Catholic Church at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 19. A
reception to celebrate Michael's life will follow at the Centre for Gifted Education (Room
602, Education Tower, University of Calgary). In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
to the "Dr. Michael C. Pyryt Memorial Fund - Centre for Gifted Education" (to The
Development Office, c/o Kathy Bhana, 6 Floor Craigie Hall, University of Calgary, 2500
University Drive N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1N4).
June 26, 1953 - January 15, 2008
Michael passed away Tuesday morning at the Foothills
Hospital upon his return from a trip to Australia. His parents,
Edward Joseph and Frances Mary Ellen (nee Loughren) Pyryt
predeceased him. He is survived by his wife, Leta Gonzales-
Pyryt, his daughter Tara and her husband Christopher Gales,
his granddaughter Brooke, and his sister Dorothy, as well as
many family members in New Jersey. Born on June 26, 1953
in Passaic, New Jersey, Michael obtained a B.A. in Psychology in 1975 and an Ed.M. in
Gifted Education in 1976 from The Johns Hopkins University. He completed his
doctorate in Educational Psychology in 1984 at the University of Kansas. His subsequent
distinguished professional academic career focused on gifted education. He was a tenured
assistant professor at the West Virginia College of Graduate Studies, a tenured assistant
professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Calgary, and
from 1995 an associate professor in the Division of Applied Psychology, Faculty of
Education, at the University of Calgary. In 2000 he became the Director of the Centre for
Gifted Education at the University and was responsible for expanding the profile of gifted
education and promoting the education of gifted children locally, provincially, nationally
and internationally. He published extensively in his field, held numerous professional
memberships, and was involved in innumerable research projects. A devout Catholic,
Michael was a former runner and in addition a life-long fan of the Johns Hopkins Blue
Jays lacrosse team, the University of Kansas Jayhawks and Notre Dame Fighting Irish
football teams. Michael loved the many dogs and cats he had over the years and his
signature slide at the end of presentations pictured his dog, Fufu, and read "My goal in
life is to be a person as good as my dog already thinks I am." He was that and more, and
he will be dearly missed by family, friends, colleagues and students. Relatives and friends
are invited to Prayers and Tributes that will be held at 7:00 p.m. today, January 18, at St.
Pius X Catholic Church (2424 - 24 Avenue N.W., Calgary). Funeral Mass will be
celebrated at St. Pius X Catholic Church at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 19. A
reception to celebrate Michael's life will follow at the Centre for Gifted Education (Room
602, Education Tower, University of Calgary). In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
to the "Dr. Michael C. Pyryt Memorial Fund - Centre for Gifted Education" (to The
Development Office, c/o Kathy Bhana, 6 Floor Craigie Hall, University of Calgary, 2500
University Drive N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1N4).
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Funeral Arrangements
Here are further details about funeral arrangements for Dr. Michael Pyryt. A viewing with prayers will be held at 7:00 pm on Friday, January 18 at St. Pius X Catholic Church (2424 - 24 Avenue NW). The funeral mass will be celebrated at St. Pius X Catholic Church at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. A reception to celebrate Michael's life will follow at the Centre for Gifted Education (Room 602, Education Tower, University of Calgary). Parking for the reception is available in the parkade; tell the parking attendant that you have come for the celebration for Dr. Pyryt.
Memorial Fund
In lieu of flowers or gifts, please consider making a gift to help support the Centre for Gifted Education at the University of Calgary. As the only centre of its kind in Canada, Michael played a key role in assisting students in their intellectual, social and emotional development. Because of the Michael's hard work, passion and dedication to the Centre, it is now recognized internationally as a leader in the support of gifted students and their families and educators.
Your donation may be dropped off or mailed to:
The Development Office, c/o Kathy Bhana
6th floor Craigie Hall
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Any cheques should be payable to the University of Calgary, memo line "Dr. Michael Pyryt Memorial Fund - Centre for Gifted Education" or your chosen cause.
Your donation may be dropped off or mailed to:
The Development Office, c/o Kathy Bhana
6th floor Craigie Hall
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Any cheques should be payable to the University of Calgary, memo line "Dr. Michael Pyryt Memorial Fund - Centre for Gifted Education" or your chosen cause.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I just learned from my Calgary PhD classmate Dan McDougal and friend also of Mike and Sal, of the cause of Mike’s death. “Mike broke his leg on a teaching trip to Australia. After flying home, he was taken directly to the hospital because he was feeling unwell. He had developed two blood clots which led to his death.” Most untimely and sad.
Sympathies to all who knew Mike.
Bruce M. Shore,
Sympathies to all who knew Mike.
Bruce M. Shore,
Posting to This Blog
All of us will miss Michael's positive attitude, enthusiasm, and red sweater. If you would like to contribute to this blog, visit: http://www.blogger.com/i.g?inviteID=6741669699131354412%26blogID=1613074763695787537
You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation and start posting to this blog. If you don't have a Google Account yet, you can easily sign up for one.
If you would rather have me post your message, email it to me at del.siegle@uconn.edu
You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation and start posting to this blog. If you don't have a Google Account yet, you can easily sign up for one.
If you would rather have me post your message, email it to me at del.siegle@uconn.edu
Michael Pyryt was a fine man; he was a good friend of mine. I met him first in 1979 at the NAGC in Baltimore. I was recently separated from my husband, and he sat with me at the bar while I cried in my beer (wine), reading him drunken poems from a trip to the National Museum in which every painting reminded me of some time with my about-to-be-ex. His tenderness and consideration and care and listening continued throughout the years.
We met, thereafter, at every other NAGC, AERA, ECHA, and Wallace, to have dinner, to talk, and to share. My memories of Michael range from Rhodes, Greece, at ECHA, to a day trip to Lake Louise near Banff a couple of years ago, after the Janneke Frank dissertation defense, for which he had invited me to be the external reviewer.
I loved him as a comrade. My good, dear friend, God take you.
Jane Piirto
We met, thereafter, at every other NAGC, AERA, ECHA, and Wallace, to have dinner, to talk, and to share. My memories of Michael range from Rhodes, Greece, at ECHA, to a day trip to Lake Louise near Banff a couple of years ago, after the Janneke Frank dissertation defense, for which he had invited me to be the external reviewer.
I loved him as a comrade. My good, dear friend, God take you.
Jane Piirto
This is shocking and depressing news. I have known Mike since he and I were doctoral students together in a federally funded program over 30 (!) years ago, he at Kansas and I at TC. I have always admired his ingenuous enthusiasm and his commitment to research. We have lost a fine scholar and a special person.
Jim Borland
Jim Borland
Duty-Free Vodka
The first time I met Mike Pyryt was also my first year to attend the National Association for Gifted Children's conference. It must have been more than 15 years ago. I was a graduate student at the time, and I attended the Research and Evaluation Committee meeting being held one evening. I fully expected the meeting to be filled with stodgy and intimidating researchers and scholars.
The chair of the meeting got things started by reaching under the conference table and pulling out a bottle of vodka on ice and passing around plastic hotel cups. He invited the group to join him in a toast. That chairman was Mike Pyryt, and that meeting was my my first exposure to a great researcher in the field field of gifted education.
Once, I asked Mike to explain how he had used a statical procedure (multivariate analysis) to reach some conclusion in a study he had conducted. Mike's entire demeanor changed, he became almost giddy with excitement, and he began an enthusiastic and in-depth explanation of his study's methodology and conclusions. I was no longer a publisher speaking to professor; I was a student getting my first lesson on the application of multivariate analysis. Mike's passion for research was infective.
One of Mike's traditions at the NAGC conference was to purchase a bottle of duty-free vodka when he crossed the boarder from Canada to the U.S. On one night during the annual conference, Mike and his best friend Sal Mendaglio would host an after-hours vodka party in their hotel room for a handful of close friends--usually an eclectic group of talented researches and scholars. Now this was no normal cocktail party. Guests were expected to drink their vodka ice cold with no mixers in the little plastic hotel cups provided--no easy task! The small parties usually didn't breakup until 3:00 in the morning when Mike and Sal would throw everyone out. These parties lasted hours and featured in-depth talk of gifted children, counseling practices, research, gossip, our personal histories and lives, and even lengthy (and unfair ... you heard me, Mike ... unfair) comparisons of Canadian and US culture. I can trace many of my fondest memories of NAGC conferences back to Mike and Sal's parties.
I'm not sure how best to honor Dr. Pyryt; however, I suspect if he had some say in the matter, it would involve a small group of very good friends and a bottle of duty-free vodka.
-- Joel McIntosh
The chair of the meeting got things started by reaching under the conference table and pulling out a bottle of vodka on ice and passing around plastic hotel cups. He invited the group to join him in a toast. That chairman was Mike Pyryt, and that meeting was my my first exposure to a great researcher in the field field of gifted education.
Once, I asked Mike to explain how he had used a statical procedure (multivariate analysis) to reach some conclusion in a study he had conducted. Mike's entire demeanor changed, he became almost giddy with excitement, and he began an enthusiastic and in-depth explanation of his study's methodology and conclusions. I was no longer a publisher speaking to professor; I was a student getting my first lesson on the application of multivariate analysis. Mike's passion for research was infective.
One of Mike's traditions at the NAGC conference was to purchase a bottle of duty-free vodka when he crossed the boarder from Canada to the U.S. On one night during the annual conference, Mike and his best friend Sal Mendaglio would host an after-hours vodka party in their hotel room for a handful of close friends--usually an eclectic group of talented researches and scholars. Now this was no normal cocktail party. Guests were expected to drink their vodka ice cold with no mixers in the little plastic hotel cups provided--no easy task! The small parties usually didn't breakup until 3:00 in the morning when Mike and Sal would throw everyone out. These parties lasted hours and featured in-depth talk of gifted children, counseling practices, research, gossip, our personal histories and lives, and even lengthy (and unfair ... you heard me, Mike ... unfair) comparisons of Canadian and US culture. I can trace many of my fondest memories of NAGC conferences back to Mike and Sal's parties.
I'm not sure how best to honor Dr. Pyryt; however, I suspect if he had some say in the matter, it would involve a small group of very good friends and a bottle of duty-free vodka.
-- Joel McIntosh
Michael and Johns Hopkins
Michael and I met as young graduate students at Hopkins, studying with Lynn Fox and Julian Stanley. It was the 70s, the field was young, somewhat polarized, but SO exciting. The first talent searches were administered in person on the Hopkins campus to small groups of needy and brilliant students, Julian Stanley's research was breaking new ground, and we felt like we were caught up in a movement that was propelling us forward. As Michael went on to become a scholar and leader in the field, he never forgot his Hopkins roots. He updated me regularly on Hopkins lacrosse standings (of which I had no knowledge and little interest except through Michael), and proudly wore his Hopkins blue jay tie on a regular basis. Michael spoke lovingly and with great respect about Julian at the Memorial in Julian's honor at NAGC, and I hope he knew that the respect was mutual. Julian told me often about the pride he felt in Michael's accomplishments and also about what a "really nice guy" he was. Michael was a very special friend and I will miss him very much.
Linda Brody
Linda Brody
Michael was a wonderful friend, supporter, and mentor. I am deeply saddened by this news and my thoughts are with his family members and his dear friends, especially you, Sal.
A Kind, Thoughtful Scholar
Some years ago as a fledgling doctoral student making only perhaps my second solo research presentation, I met Michael at an annual NAGC conference. Of all the people I encountered that year, he was one of less than a handful who made me feel as if I had right to be there – that I not only had completed my study well but that it had significance to our field. Thereafter, I invariably gravitated to him whenever our paths would cross, and a number of years later as NAGC President, I often consulted him behind the scenes about issues and direction. His advice was, like Michael, unequivocally clear, rooted in evidence, helpful to a fault, but unwavering in its empathy. Perhaps more importantly, Michael became my friend and not merely my colleague; he was compassionate, brilliant, and accepting. I have found that academe, like most of life’s episodes, is replete with colleagues, but there are not many scholars who make themselves available as a true friend like Michael did for me. So long as I breathe, I will never forget his kind heart guided by his agile mind.
I am not available to attend AERA so I am hoping, albeit far into the future, that some appropriate activities honoring Michael, not merely for his work but for his essence as a human being, can be orchestrated in November at NAGC. I will certainly do whatever I can to facilitate. Let’s face it fellow scholars; while our work may last years beyond our lifespan, there is more to each of us than our scholarship. It is what we do for others and how we treat them that is at least as important as our lists of publications and professional activities. While Michael of course had credentials in both ways, as a scholar and as a down-to-earth person, it is the later set of accomplishments– those that touched the hearts of others -- that will shine forever. Written publications in fact sustain one’s name in print for eternity and the impact of those writings may also endure many years, yet the real essence of each of us is not in our work as much as in the nature and quality of the relationships we construct along the way. Frankly, in living the remainder of my life, I hope I do not ever forget the lessons of humility and kindness that Michael so well taught me.
Blessings, Michael; you are in a better place.
Rick Olenchak
I am not available to attend AERA so I am hoping, albeit far into the future, that some appropriate activities honoring Michael, not merely for his work but for his essence as a human being, can be orchestrated in November at NAGC. I will certainly do whatever I can to facilitate. Let’s face it fellow scholars; while our work may last years beyond our lifespan, there is more to each of us than our scholarship. It is what we do for others and how we treat them that is at least as important as our lists of publications and professional activities. While Michael of course had credentials in both ways, as a scholar and as a down-to-earth person, it is the later set of accomplishments– those that touched the hearts of others -- that will shine forever. Written publications in fact sustain one’s name in print for eternity and the impact of those writings may also endure many years, yet the real essence of each of us is not in our work as much as in the nature and quality of the relationships we construct along the way. Frankly, in living the remainder of my life, I hope I do not ever forget the lessons of humility and kindness that Michael so well taught me.
Blessings, Michael; you are in a better place.
Rick Olenchak
So very sad
I am so very sad. I always sought him out at conferences as he would always make me laugh. I did not know Michael as well as I wanted to and he was someone that I knew I wanted to know better. I thought I would have plenty of time.
From Sal Mendaglio
It is with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that my best friend and esteemed colleague Dr. Michael Pyryt passed away at 3:00 am mountain-time, January 15th, 2008.
Sal Mendaglio,
Centre for Gifted Education
Sal Mendaglio,
Centre for Gifted Education
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